Call for Speakers


OPEN SEPTEMber 10, 2024 – november 8, 2024

With approximately 350+ attendees, the SPRE Summit will be an opportunity for community space operators, philanthropic leaders, social justice advocates, CDFIs, lenders, government leaders, real estate development professionals and more to connect, collaborate, and learn. During sessions, roundtables, and plenaries, we will explore how to create and operate community spaces for the common good, how real estate can be an effective tool for shifting power, and what’s next for community development, investment, and impact.

The SPRE Summit 2025 will feature 30+ sessions on a range of themes. The call for speakers is open for SPRE leaders to submit a proposal to help shape the conversation around community spaces, provide thought leadership, and support the social purpose real estate movement throughout North America.


The SPRE Summit 2025 sessions will cover the themes below, including various components of social purpose real estate. The themes are listed below with examples to help spark session ideas. When submitting your session proposal, please note that you will be required to select one of the themes listed below. Additional details and guidance coming soon.

SPRE Development

Examples of development successes and lessons learned. What should community leaders know before they embark on a project? Are there innovative approaches?

Ownership & Governance for SPRE Projects

Ownership and governance structures best suited for SPRE, including shared spaces and models that democratize development and support community control. 

The Money in SPRE

Project funding/financing strategies or sustainable revenue models that support affordability.

Architecture & Equitable Design for SPRE

Physical design of SPRE projects is key to spaces that function well, are accessible, and that reflect community. 

SPRE Operations, Programs & Community Activation

From operational sustainability, to managing community centered spaces, to supporting tenants and community, to fostering collaboration, daily operations can set SPRE spaces apart.

SPRE Impact & Evaluation

We know it when we see it, but how do we validate the impact of SPRE? Impact measurement and evaluation is key to elevating the field and future fundraising narratives. 

Community Hubs & Shared Space

SPRE shared spaces provide important community infrastructure and often come as themed spaces such as: wellness and opportunity hubs, arts and culture space, youth centered space, and more. 

Power Building & Placekeeping through Land Control

SPRE Projects frequently drive community organizing and realize new community power. They are also key to place keeping and fighting displacement. Knowledge of the political landscape and systems are core to an enabling environment that promotes community power building. 

SPRE Placemaking

SPRE projects are placemaking spaces born of a community vision, and anchor neighborhoods, making visible its unique people, culture and history. They can create belonging and safety – tying together neighborhood or community. 

Community Controlled Economic Development & Commercial Corridors

SPRE can be central to supporting community-controlled revitalization. Community Development Corporations, Land Trusts and other nonprofit corridor stewards can be key to paving the way for new investment while fighting displacement. 

SPRE Climate Mitigation, Adaptation & Resilience

SPRE plays a key role in community resilience broadly, but with intentional investment it can be purpose built to respond to crises and a pressing need to build net zero projects. 

Emerging Strategies & New Opportunities in SPRE

Approaches to SPRE are always evolving. COVID has catalyzed the way we use space. Moves to support land control in low-income communities and communities of color are critical. Shared space operators continually evolve center offerings.  

Exurban, Rural & Indigenous Places

We recognize that all the land on Turtle Island is indigenous land. SPRE can be a particularly important tool for communities outside of urban places, especially where there’s been a historic underinvestment in community infrastructure


Call for Speakers Opens: September 10, 2024

Session Proposals Due: November 8, 2024

Presenters Informed of Selection Decision: January – February 2025

Questions about the process or proposals? Please email us at [email protected].