

What we’ll accomplish together at the SPRE Summit

Share Best Practices

Catalyze Investment

Support Community Leaders

Build Connection

Advance the Field


Catalyze Investment

Support Community Leaders

Build Connection

Advance the Field

What is social purpose real estate?

We define social purpose real estate as spaces that serve the common good. From a social justice angle, real estate is an effective tool for shifting power. Buildings and spaces that are owned and operated by mission-based organizations and investors for the purpose of community benefit, like libraries, parks, affordable housing, nonprofit centers, and more, are examples of social purpose real estate.

Who will benefit from attending?

  • Community leaders interested in community real estate
  • Community space operators & advocates
  • Philanthropic leaders looking to support community-controlled real estate
  • Lenders, community finance professionals, & social impact investors
  • Social justice leaders interested in power building through community land control
  • Government and economic development leaders
  • Community development corporation & land trust leaders
  • Architects, developers, etc. interested in community real estate
  • Anyone interested in real estate for community good

What are some of the topics we will explore?

  • Themed spaces like: human service hubs; arts and culture spaces; small business accelerators, youth centered spaces; and more
  • Community engagement in a real estate project
  • Community ownership, governance and wealth-building
  • Designing for belonging, culture and fostering collaboration
  • Funding and financing community real estate projects
  • Scaling impact: joint ventures with affordable housing developers
  • Asset, property, and facility management for sustainable operations
  • Social purpose real estate and community economic development



Our Mission

 is to increase the capacity and effectiveness of the nonprofit sector and improve the communities they serve by supporting the development and ongoing operations of multi-tenant nonprofit centers and other quality community serving spaces.

Our Vision

 is that of a future when every community has access to the space it needs to be sustainable, healthy, and vibrant.

Our Approach

is to support and amplify the voices of social purpose real estate practitioners and advocate for sustainable solutions to community infrastructure, particularly through nonprofit and local ownership and control. Learn more at communityspaces.org.


Our Mission

We promote economic justice and alleviate poverty by increasing the financial resilience and sustainability of community-based nonprofits and enterprises. Through flexible financial products and sound advice, we create opportunities to make socially responsible investments that revitalize Northern and Central California communities.

Our Vision

We envision financially strong and culturally vibrant communities where each person has access to decent jobs, homes, health care, education, and economic opportunities. We work in partnership with individuals and organizations who share our vision of sustainable communities and social and economic justice. Learn more at communityvisionca.org.